4 Reasons to Buy a Class A Diesel RV

Just like the name indicates, a class A diesel RV runs on diesel fuel, instead of gasoline. It’s also known as a diesel pusher motorhome that typically comes with more luxury features, and is generally bigger than gasoline motorhomes. Continue reading to learn four reasons why you should consider buying a class A diesel RV for sale at The RV Shop in Baton Rouge!

  1. Less Maintenance with a Class A Diesel RV

When compared to gasoline engines, diesel engines typically require less frequent routine maintenance. Even though diesel engines usually require more expensive repairs and maintenance, they will probably need fewer repairs overall during their lifetime.

Class A Diesel RVs are designed to perform at their best without having to frequently bring them in to get serviced. However, if you do ever need to take it in to get looked at by a technician, be sure to schedule a service appointment at The RV Shop! Our well trained and experienced technicians will be glad to help you every step of the way, while also keeping you informed!

  1. More Torque When You Choose Diesel

Torque is often described as the pulling power or measure of an engine’s rotational force. With this in mind, diesel engines produce more torque when compared to gasoline engines. This is especially helpful for driving on trails, towing capacity, as well as handling all the extra weight that usually comes with a larger RV.

  1. Diesel is More Efficient and Lasts Longer

When compared to their gasoline counterparts, diesel engines can easily last twice as long, if not longer! Why? A diesel engine’s efficient burn rate, higher compression ratios, and lubricating properties enhance the engine life significantly. Also, diesel fuel contains more energy and burns more efficiently than gasoline, so a class A RV can travel further on a gallon of diesel fuel.

  1. Larger Means More Interior and Storage Room

Diesel class A RVs tend to be larger and can hold more weight, so they often have more space for both storage and living. Also, diesel RVs are usually built on raised-rail chassis, which means there’s extra space for storing camping gear or anything else you might need!

Class A Diesel RV for Sale in Baton Rouge

If you’re considering overall ride comfort, efficiency, torque, and luxury of a diesel class A RV, look no further! At the RV Shop, we have a wide variety of motorhomes, including safe and reliable class A diesel RVs
We invite you to come explore our inventory in person, where our professional staff will be happy to answer any of your questions. If you’re in a rush, no worries! Feel free to apply for financing online to save time. Either way, we look forward to making you a part of our RV family!

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